August Raelson March 24, 1923 to August 9, 2009

Posted on Monday, August 10, 2009 | 0 comments

My Grandpa Raelson died today, at 1:18 in the afternoon Florida time. I got the message on my cell phone about 3 am Japan time; needless to say it didn't make for a sleepful rest of the night. We all knew that he had liver cancer, but the speed at which he passed is still shocking. It was just last week that they discovered the tumor, although the doctor was pretty certain it had already metastisized. Still, I'm pretty certain that nobody expected him to leave so quickly--plans were being made to fly down and see him this coming week, and my uncle is apparently still on his way down, driving his motorcyle the whole way. It makes me cry even more to think about the news he'll receive when he arrives, so close yet not quite in time to tell his dad goodbye.
But. Through the sadness, my heart is also glad to know that he has finally completed his journey to be with God. I have no idea how long my grandpa was a Christian, or even how he became one, but I don't doubt that he was. Perhaps he got to know Jesus after he met my Grandma Carol, or perhaps he was one well before then; I'm not sure and at this point it honestly doesn't matter, other than in my curious mind. What I do know is that he was always kind; I can't remember him ever saying a mean word about anyone. A truly admirable man, although us grandchildren used to spend most of our time harrassing him (albeit in a loving way). I wish that I had known him better, instead of only seeing him through a grandchild's eyes.
It's too painful to type right now, so more will have to follow later....